Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Knitted Knockers are free for breast cancer survivors

Knitted Knockers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and are available free worldwide to breast cancer patients who don't undergo breast reconstruction. If you knit or crochet, there are free knitted knocker patterns in several languages and breast prosthetic kits you can purchase. And, yes, there are endless possibilities for charity knitting and crochet for hospitals and doctors. Yesterday, knitnscribble posted a link to a video from one knitted knocker organization on Facebook and the reception from breast cancer survivors and their friends was overwhelming, so thought it needed more explanation.

Knitted Knockers are much more comfortable placed in your bra than heavier gel prosthetics. At KnittedKnockers.org you will find free patterns for crochet and knitting in several different languages or you can buy a kit with the appropriate yarn specified for best comfort. The breast prosthetics can be knit with double pointed needles (dpn's) or straight needles and then stuffed with washable light weight material. The kits make up to five knockers, depending on the sizes needed. Sizes range from 4.5" to 8 inches. Proceeds from the knitted knocker kits sold go to Knitted Knockers.org.

There are seamed and unseamed versions of the knitted knocker patterns, some patterns are knit flat on straight needles, using pima cotton DK yarn and US5 (3.75mm). Crocheting the breast prosthetics must be accomplished with baby or sport yarn, as crochet can be a bit stiff with heavier yarn. Some of the patterns have nipples, others do not. And if you would like to donate crochet or knit knockers for charity, you should contact your local yarn shop and inquire. Doctors and hospitals welcome knitted knockers for their patients who don't undergo reconstruction.

You may also request knitted knockers from an infinite number of worldwide organizations where they are always free to breast cancer patients.

Knitnscribble recently underwent a prophylactic mastectomy due to a previous ovarian cancer episode and a high risk mammogram. Thankfully, cancer-free, but knitting a knitted knocker to replace a leftie. Knitted Knockers are especially appropriate for older breast cancer survivors, who don't undergo breast reconstruction. My very best wishes for long and healthy lives to all breast cancer survivors. 

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