Monday, March 14, 2016

Knitting's best new read for Mother's Day

If you are wondering "when is Mother's Day 2016?" And what to give to your mother, the knitter. Mother's Day gifts for knitters has to have Clara Parkes' new book, Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees the World, at the top of the proverbial gift list. And it just made the NYTimes best seller list to boot! 

.....and is the #1 bestseller in knitting on Amazon. What a great Mother's Day gift on Sunday, May 8th, birthday, or cheerful message for an ailing knitter.

One reviewer wrote:
"Like a bubble bath for your mind.  Sink into this book and let yourself be carried away. I bought this for a hospital stay: short chapters, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, interesting to knitters."
Clara is a knitting designer, teacher, and author extraordinaire.  

Congratulations, Clara Parkes, on another successful book. Read about all of Clara's books with knitting at their core: The Yarn Whisperer, Book of Yarn, Book of Socks, and Book of Wool.
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